2007年6月8日 星期五

Identity in asp.net 2.0

It's realy complicated. Please make sure the difference between the Application_BeginRequest event and duration page excution //operation system thread identity (win32) System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); //managed thread identity System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity; //asp.net user identity (may be GenericPricipal) HttpContext.Current.User.Identity; // consider the client user windows identity that logon to iis Request.LogonUserIdentity; 再加上多種變化
  1. 使用者有無 windows identity (ex:有無登入domain?)
  2. IIS 上有無勾選 anonymous?有無勾選windows intergration?
  3. application pool 上的 identity 是跑哪一個?(network service? local system? domain user?)
  4. web.config 上設的authentication mode (None, Winows, Forms)
  5. web.config 上有無設 ? 是否有指定 username, password?
這些變化,在Request 進行的過程中(befault autentication, page execution, async thread),上述四種identtity都可能有不同的值。而這些值都是有意義的。 It's really complicated.


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