2009年5月7日 星期四

Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

from http://on10.net/blogs/larry/Top-7-Things-to-Check-Out-in-Windows-7-RC1/ 

Keyboard shortcuts

    • Dock your windows left and right with WindowsKey+left/right arrows.
    • Win+up/down to minimize / restore / maximize.
    • Win+Shift+up/down arrows to maximize and restore vertical size.
    • Win+Shift+left/right arrows to jump windows to other monitors.
    • Win+P to change through display modes.
    • Win+1, Win+2, etc.. For launching new instance of any of the first five icons on your taskbar.
    • Win+Space to peek at your desktop.
    • Win+T will put focus on the taskbar so you can use the arrow keys to select which window or group, then hit enter.

Keyboard+Mouse shortcuts

    • Want to flick through a bunch of open Outlook windows? Control + Click on the Outlook icon in the task bar. That works for any program with multiple windows like Internet Explorer.
    • Shift+Click on a application in your taskbar to launch a new instance of it, like a web browser.
    • Shift+Right Click on a file in Windows Explorer to get an expanded Send To menu.


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