2009年6月1日 星期一

Microsoft Visual Studio Lab Management 2010 Beta 1

這是一套測試用的工具。此結合了 Hyper-V 的特異功能,讓測試時發生的一切能「盡數還原」,讓開發/測試人員能面對同一個 bug/issue。不會再有「我的開發環境不會發生」的問題。




Visual Studio Lab Management lets you create and manage virtual environments on a pool of Hyper-V hosts and System Center Virtual Machine Manager library servers. You can group virtual machines into environments and perform life-cycle and snapshot operations on those machines. Used together, Lab Management, Team Foundation Server, Team Test Load Agent, and Team Test Load Controller provide an integrated software testing experience that lets testers attach comprehensive snapshots of the environment to their bugs. Lab Management also lets you automate the authoring and running of end-to-end application life-cycle management workflows.
This release will expire on April 15, 2010. This software is not supported by Microsoft Customer Services and Support (CSS).



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