什麼是單元測試呢?在 Visual Studio 2008 上,在 method 上很簡單,按個右鍵,就可以建立一個單元測試了。如下圖。
類似的問題也發生在物件導向語上。「使用c# 語言開發的程式,一定符合物件導向的程式碼嗎?」
使用Create Unit Tests 的工具來建立單元測試,也必須讓我們寫的測試符合「單元」的精神,才是真的單元測試。
- A unit test is a piece of a code (usually a method) that invokes another piece of code and checks the correctness of some assumptions afterward.
- If the assumptions turn out to be wrong, the unit test has failed.
- A “unit” is a method or function
注意到第3點,unit 所指的測試範圍是一個 method 及 function 的程式碼。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ClassLibrary1 { public class MyMath { public int Add(int a, int b) { return b + a; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Configuration; using Microsoft.Practices.Unity; namespace ClassLibrary1 { public class Project { private ISettings _settings; IAuthenticationService _authenticationService; public Project(ISettings settings, IAuthenticationService authenticationService) { this._settings = settings; this._authenticationService = authenticationService; } [Dependency] public IWriteLog Logger { get; set; } public float GetProjectActualHours(int vProjId, string userName, string pwd) { if (!_authenticationService.Authenticate(userName, pwd)) { Logger.WriteLog("xxx "); throw new NotFiniteNumberException(); } string xmlPath = _settings.XmlPath; XElement el = XElement.Load(xmlPath); var projectNode = (from e in el.Elements("project") where (int)e.Attribute("ID") == vProjId select e).FirstOrDefault(); if (projectNode != null) { var q = (from e in projectNode.Elements("rec") select (float)e.Attribute("Hours")).Sum(); return q; } else { string message = "hello, no projId = " + vProjId; return 0; } } } }
原因呢?當我們在進行GetProjectActualHours 的單元測試時,如果所呼叫的_authenticationService.Authenticate 方法失敗時,應該屬於GetProjectActualHours方法的測試失敗,還是_authenticationService.Authenticate的失敗?
請繼續讀 單元測試(2): 單元測試的好與壞