2008年7月21日 星期一

Cannot implicitly convert type IEnumerable to System.Data.Linq.EntitySet. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

Cannot implicitly convert type IEnumerable<A> to System.Data.Linq.EntitySet. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)


var q = from storeEl in buyerEl.Elements("store")
                      select new Store
                StoreId = storeEl.Element("id").Value,
                TaxNo = buyerEl.Value,
                StoreName = storeEl.Element("cname").Value,
                Emails = from sub in storeEl.Elements("mails")
                                   select new StoreEmail
                                     StoreId = storeEl.Attribute("id").Value,
                                     Email = sub.Attribute("email").Value
問題出現在 from sub in 那一段。Emails 是一個 EntitySet<Email>,而非 IEnumerable<Email>,於是發生了錯誤。
goole 了一下,找到了一個看來不是很好的方法。
  public static class LinqExtension
    public static EntitySet ToEntitySet(this IEnumerable source) where T : class
      var es = new EntitySet();
      return es;


var q = from storeEl in buyerEl.Elements("store")
                      select new Store
                StoreId = storeEl.Element("id").Value,
                TaxNo = buyerEl.Value,
                StoreName = storeEl.Element("cname").Value,
                Emails = (from sub in storeEl.Elements("mails")
                                   select new StoreEmail
                                     StoreId = storeEl.Attribute("id").Value,
                                     Email = sub.Attribute("email").Value


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